Traxx FM Golden Oldies


About Traxx FM Golden Oldies

Traxx FM Golden Oldies captures the wonderful melodies of Golden Oldies tunes. Who is your favorite artist or performer from the golden age of music? You don’t have to worry because Traxx FM Golden Oldies is a specialized radio station from Traxx FM that plays oldies all day long.

More Information

Traxx FM is a world-renowned Internet radio channel with 100% music. Es ist das Ergebnis einer langjährigen Erfahrung in Radioprogrammen und Musikauswahl. This is the first line of Musikliebhabern for Musikliebhaber geschaffen. Das Prinzip ist einfach: Musik, Musik und einfach nur Musik, 24/7, überall auf der Welt. 25 verses of musical styles.


Language: German


Contact Number: +41(022) 827 80 80

Address: Rue du Rhône 100 1202 Geneva Switzerland