Réseau de musique folk


À propos Réseau de musique folk

Volksmusik Net listeners are extremely important to the station, and they wish to present themselves as a station that listeners should be pleased with. Ils favorisent un lien fort entre les auditeurs et eux-mêmes afin de maintenir une connexion efficace avec leur public., ce qui donne une station de radio plus divertissante. Volksmusik Net has quickly become a popular radio station in Switzerland due to its sympathetic attitude toward its listeners.

Plus d'information

Welcome to Volksmusik Net, where our listeners mean everything to us. We strive to create a station that brings joy and happiness to each and every listener. Our goal is to be the station that our audience can't help but smile and sing along to. With a mix of traditional folk music and contemporary hits, Volksmusik Net aims to cater to the diverse tastes of our listeners. Join us on this musical journey as we celebrate the rich heritage of folk music and provide a platform for artists to share their talents. Tune in and let the music uplift your spirits!


Site web:www.volksmusik.fm

Langue: Allemand

Adresse: Suisse

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