À propos de nous

Bienvenue à Radio-CH.com, your go-to destination for all things related to radio broadcasting in Switzerland.

Our Mission

At Radio-CH.com, our mission is to provide a wide resource for radio lovers, listeners, et les professionnels du secteur. We’re dedicated to promoting and celebrating the rich collection of radio broadcasting in Switzerland.

Who We Are

Radio-CH.com is a team of passionate individuals who share a deep love for the medium of radio. Notre équipe comprend des diffuseurs chevronnés, technology experts, and radio lovers who have come together to create a space where you can explore, learn, et connectez-vous avec le monde de la radio.

What We Offer

  • Radio Directory: Our vast directory covers a wide range of radio stations in Switzerland, from local community radio to national networks. Discover and explore the diverse offerings of radio stations across Switzerland.
  • News and Insights: Restez informé des dernières nouvelles, les tendances, and insights in the world of radio broadcasting. Notre équipe fournit un contenu précieux aux professionnels de l'industrie et aux amateurs de radio..
  • Communauté: We aim to foster a vibrant community of radio enthusiasts. Join our forums, Connectez-vous avec d'autres auditeurs, et partage ton amour pour la radio.

Our History

Radio-CH.com is a part of iRadioStudio.com and was founded in 2023 with a vision to create a one-stop hub for all things radio from Switzerland. Depuis lors, we have grown and evolved, continually expanding our offerings and reach.

Get in Touch

Nous aimerions recevoir de vos nouvelles! Whether you have feedback, suggestions, or just want to connect, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Contact us at iradiostudiocom@gmail.com

Thank you for being a part of the Radio-CH.com community. We look forward to sharing the exciting world of radio with you.